Dummy File Creator

Dummy File Creator: 

A simple program which generates files of any size with ease. Very useful for disk speed test, CD burning test, network speed test, or simply create files to fool your friends. This program also has a built-in random function, so users can choose to create either compressible or non-compressible files.

Download Link: 

 (click here)

*Virus Scan Report

How to use?

It's easy! Simply: 
  1. Execute Dummy File Creator.
  2. Input desired file size (integer) and unit.
  3. Click on "Browser" (ALT+B) to choose desired file name and location.
  4. Click on the check box(ALT+R) if you want a file with randomly generated content.
  5. Click on create (ALT+C) and the program will start generating a file.
  6. The program will stop when the progress bar reaches 100%.
  7. Click on "Exit" (ALT+X) to quit this program.
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